No Place Like Home: A Conversation About Affordable Housing in Southwest Minneapolis

Lake Harriet United Methodist Church, 4901 chowen ave south, minneapolis

On Tuesday, March 12 from 7 pm to 8:30 pm,  Lake Harriet United Methodist Church, along with the Southwest Alliance for Equity will be hosting an event titled, “No Place Like Home: A Conversation About Affordable Housing in Southwest Minneapolis,” moderated by former KARE 11 reporter, and Lake Harriet UMC member, Lindsey Seavert.   RSVP at:

Electrify Everything: Fighting Climate Change & Protecting Your Health at Home

Pershing Recreation Center, 3523 W 48th St, Minneapolis, MN 55410, USA 2701 W 48th St, United States

Location: Pershing Recreation Center (3523 W. 48th St.) AND at online, email for link   We will hear from experts on the benefits of electrifying your home for things such as cooking, home heating and cooling and water heating; how you can access recently passed federal and local incentives to make your transition cheaper; and hear from individuals who have made the switch. Panelists: -Moderator-Blaine Miller-McFeeley, Senior Legislative Representative with Earthjustice and Fulton Neighborhood Association Board Member -Evan Mulholland, Director, Healthy Communities Program at Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy -Jessica Tritsch, Building electrification policy expert

Palmisano Presents: A conversation on public safety

Mount Olivet Lutheran Church, 5025 Knox Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55419, USA

An opportunity to hear about what guides their work with time for Q&A Comissioner of Commnity Safety Todd Barnette 5th Precinct Inspector Christie Nelson

Earth Day Clean Up

Pershing Recreation Center, 3523 W 48th St, Minneapolis, MN 55410, USA 2701 W 48th St, United States

Annual Pershing Park clean up for Earth Day! Stop by the park anytime from 9:30-12:00 and help clean up the park. Afterwards, grab some snacks and check out the activities and environmental groups tabling.

Beat the Heat Eat the Heat – Chili Cook Off!

As a celebratation to the end of our community dinners, we're hosting our second annual chili cook off! Beat the Heat, Eat the Heat! Join the cook off - submit our chili with the link below, or join to sample the chili and vote for your favorite! Prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third place. Enter your chili - sign up here.     

Lynnhurst/Fulton Garage Sale!

Time for the annual Lynnhurst and Fulton garage sale! 9/21 9:00am-4:00pm rain or shine!   Check out the map below for details on some of the garage sales! Lynnhurst Fulton Map 24

Environmental Justice Bus Tour

Join your southwest Minneapolis neighbors on a tour of North Minneapolis with community leaders and hear about the issues around some of the most persistent environmental health problems in low-income and communities of color in the state. Each of the sponsoring neighborhood associations has a limited number of seats on the bus for residents of their neighborhood. This is an opportunity for neighbors across southwest Minneapolis to learn together and have important conversations about this critical issue in our city. Tour participants will meet the bus at 10 AM on Saturday, September 28th in the Armatage Park Recreation Center parking lot (2500 W. 57th St.) (not the school parking lot) and return by 1 PM. A snack will be provided. Please bring a water bottle. Bus tour tickets are $25  and all ticket sales go directly to support Community Members for Environmental Justice (CMEJ). Your ticket payment can be made below or write a check made out to the Fulton Neighborhood Association and send it to 3523 W 48th St, Minneapolis, MN 55410. Please email  with questions. Purchase your Environmental Justice Bus Tour Ticket $25.00 USD Name and Neighborhood Email