1-5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 22 West 50th Street between Bruce Avenue in Edina and Chowen Avenue in Minneapolis will be closed for the fifth-annual Open Streets on 50th. The street will be closed to vehicle traffic but open to bikes and pedestrians to enjoy music, dance, games, crafts, yoga and... read more →
Join us for a great fall afternoon celebrating Fulton neighborhood! 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 14 Pershing Park Sponsored by Fulton Neighborhood Association and Pershing Park Musical Guests: Southwest High School Jazz (11 a.m.-Noon) Duopolis 66 (Noon-1:30 p.m.) 612live (1:30 p.m.-3 p.m) New this Year! Inflatable Basketball Shoot Sir Sidney... read more →
There will be two meetings in September presenting proposed and potential development projects in Fulton neighborhood. Wednesday, September 11 6:30 p.m. informal open house 7:00 p.m. short presentation (part of regular FNA Meeting) Multi-purpose Room, Pershing Park 3523 W. 48th St. Representatives of Shafeco Development, LLC will present two redevelopment... read more →
Fulton Fall Festival Looking for Volunteers! 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat., Sept. 14 Pershing Park The big neighborhood Fall Festival is about a month away and we need volunteers to help with things like ticket sales, silent auction and the food tent (Boy Scout Troop 6 is staffing the... read more →
Fulton Fall Festival Sat., Sept. 14 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Pershing Park (3523 W. 48th St.) The Fulton Fall Festival Marketplace offers local vendors, artisans and small business owners the opportunity to show/sell their wares and offer information about business services right in their own community. Registration Fee: $10... read more →
6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, July 18 Pershing Park Join us down at Pershing Park on July 18th for a fun evening in the neighborhood. We’ll be serving up FREE Sebastian Joe’s ice cream in a variety of flavors and a non-dairy option. The Crosstown Community Band will delight the crowd at... read more →
MPRB has also now published the next round of designs for the Minnehaha Parkway Regional Trail Master Plan. Called “preferred concepts,” these drawings are based on extensive community engagement and the in-depth discussions that occurred at public meetings held to review the first round of drawings. Please access links... read more →
MPRB is nearing the end of its master planning process for all southwest Minneapolis parks. Revised concepts for each park property are now available for review online. Please access links to all plans here: https://www.minneapolisparks.org/project_updates/check-out-updated-design-concepts-for-all-southwest-minneapolis-neighborhood-parks/ The preferred concepts for Pershing Park are listed in the “Southwestern Parks Group”... read more →
Join us at Tinto Kitchen for a neighborhood happy hour! Stay the whole time or just drop in when you can. 5:30-7 p.m. Wednesday, June 19 Tinto Kitchen 4959 Penn Ave S. We’ve got the basement party space reserved. Please note that stairs are required to access this space. We’ll... read more →
5.21.19 Update: Just a quick clarification since a couple of people have asked: this is for NEW upgrades made after the program was approved on May 8. Receipts must be dated after May 8. Even if you've already made some security upgrades, consider what else you could do- exterior... read more →