Trail and access improvements near NE Calhoun, SE Harriet and Lake Street will begin construction next spring. Preferred concepts for the Calhoun-Harriet Trail and Access Improvements project have been posted online. These concepts were shaped by public feedback garnered from the Calhoun-Harriet Master Plan, two public open houses and hundreds... read more →
Council Member Linea Palmisano Presents: a conversation with MPD Inspector Kathy Waite Thurs., Nov. 10 6-7 p.m. Lutheran Church of Christ the Redeemer 5440 Penn Ave S Pizza and snacks will be provided; a place for children to play will be available Join us for an evening with Inspector Kathy... read more →
The next regularly scheduled FNA meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at Pershing Park on Wed., Nov., 9. Please see the agenda below. 2016 November Agenda
Sat., Nov. 5 10 a.m.-Noon Kenny School Cafeteria 5720 Emerson Ave S The ECFE Parents are hosting a Preschool Information so that parents can get information from a wide variety of preschool representatives in one convenient location. The Fair is open to all parents, and is free. Limited childcare... read more →
After two successful years and eight grants, Fulton Neighborhood Association (FNA) is continuing its community grant program. Organizations and individuals operating in or based in Fulton neighborhood are eligible to receive a $500-$2,500 grant to support projects and programs that either focus on youth education or enhanced community engagement. If... read more →
Thurs., Oct. 27 7-9 p.m. Lynnhurst Community Center 1345 W. Minnehaha Pkwy. Hosted by the Southwest Journal and District 6 area parents and neighborhood associations Please join us for an important conversation with candidates running for District 6 and At-Large seats on the Minneapolis School Board. Free childcare will be... read more →
Please join us for the Annual Meeting and Celebration of Fulton Neighborhood Association: Wed., Oct. 12 7-8 p.m. Pershing Park Rec Center 3523 W. 48th St. We'll review this year's accomplishments, hear from our elected representatives, honor our Friends of Fulton award winners and get updates on the Fulton Small... read more →
Share your opinion on bike and pedestrian improvements around Lake Calhoun (Bde Maka Ska) and Lake Harriet. The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board would like to gather public input regarding proposed trail and access improvements along the Lake Calhoun (Bde Maka Ska) and Lake Harriet bicycle and pedestrian trails. The project... read more →
Sun., Sept. 25 1-5 p.m. 50th St. between Chowen and Wooddale Aves. Check out the Activity Guide for a full list of booths and activities. Fulton Neighborhood Association will be hosting a booth featuring kid and family games like Plinko, giant Connect Four and hula hoops. Foster Art Company will... read more →
Sat., Sept. 17 9 a.m.-4 p.m. various locations in Lynnhurst and Fulton neighborhoodsA map and sale listings can be downloaded here or picked up at Lynnhurst or Pershing Recreation Centers starting 9/16.Happy shopping!