The Community Advisory Council looking at long term improvements to Lakes Harriet and Calhoun continue in their research and discussions. A new online survey is available for the community to provide comment on the design options and will be available for response until December 4. The design team is formulating... read more →
FNA previous reported that In order to help reduce the chance of long lines in years that see large voter turnout, the City of Minneapolis is adding two voting precincts in Ward 13 and redrawing boundary lines. We provided a map of the proposed boundary changes. We have now been... read more →
In order to help reduce the chance of long lines in years that see large voter turnout, the City of Minneapolis is adding two voting precincts in Ward 13 and redrawing boundary lines. Please see the map* of the existing and proposed new precincts. The blue lines are current precincts... read more →
After a successful first year and four grants, Fulton Neighborhood Association (FNA) is continuing its community grant program. Organizations and individuals operating in or based in Fulton neighborhood are eligible to receive a $500-$2,500 grant to support projects and programs that either focus on youth education or enhanced community engagement.If... read more →
The ECFE Parent Advisory Committee is hosting a Preschool Information Fair on Sat., Nov. 7 from 10 a.m. to noon in the Kenny School Cafeteria (5720 Emerson Ave S, Minneapolis, MN). The Fair is designed so that parents can get information from a wide variety of preschool representatives in... read more →
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) will once again be accepting nominations from the public for the Martin Luther King, Jr. “Living the Dream” award. As part of the MPRB annual Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration, the park system honors an individual, business, or community group who... read more →
Public Works is beginning the big task of curb-to-curb street sweeping and leaf collection on streets throughout the city. During the four weeks of the comprehensive fall street sweep, crews will clean up about 1,100 miles of city streets. To make sure the sweepers can do the best job... read more →
Research and planning continues with the improvement plan for Lakes Calhoun and Harriet. Three concept plans have been developed and are now available for review online. The Park Board would like know what you think about each concept, and has made available a brief survey and comment form to gather... read more →
Join MSP FairSkies for “No Fly Day” on Sat. Oct. 24, at noon at the Lake Harriett Band Shell (look for MSP FairSkies Coalition signs.) Special guest speaker, State Representative Frank Hornstein, and other officials will be there right at noon to talk about important issues, initiatives and impacts of... read more →
Sun., Sept. 27 1-5 p.m. West 50th Street between Browndale Avenue in Edina and Beard Avenue in Minneapolis will be closed for the inaugural Open Streets on 50th event! Look for Fulton Neighborhood Association on 50th St.between Chowen and Drew (right across the street from Red... read more →