Representatives of the Metropolitan Council will be at the FNA meeting on June 12 to present information and gather feedback about a proposed sewer rehabilitation project in Fulton neighborhood in 2014.The FNA meeting will be held on Wed., June 12 at 7 p.m. at Pershing Park.Click here for a project... read more →
8th Annual Fabulous Fulton Plant Sale5008 Chowen Avenue South Friday, May 31, 9 a.m - June 2, 6 p.m. Additional information: Fulton Fundraiser -Fantastic Plants at Fantastic Prices! Perennials, annuals, herbs, bushes & custom designed planters. Loads of garden & patio decor. Daily drawings to win gift certificates to local... read more →
Hi all: It has been a few months since we got the MAC to vote for partial implementation of the RNAV technology. Since this vote, many of us have been busy behind the scenes setting up a new community group and website to organize for the long term. This group,... read more →
Fulton Neighborhood Association NRP Committee Meeting Minutes 3/6/2013. (more…)
Representatives of the Turn on the Lights Committee from Southwest High School will again attend the FNA meeting on April 10 to answer any additional questions regarding the proposed lights project at Southwest stadium. They will report back on further investigation into security outside the stadium, parking issues and vandalism.... read more →
Fulton Neighborhood Association NRP Committee Meeting Minutes 2/6/2013. (more…)
Click here to read a summary of the Turn on the Lights Project discussion at the FNA meeting on 3/13/13. Click here to read a summary of the Red Cow Restaurant Concerns discussion at the FNA meeting on 3/13/13.
Saturday, March 23 9:15-11:15 a.m. Lynnhurst Community Center 1345 W. Minnehaha Pkwy Our urban forest is under siege from both insect pests and aggressive non-native plant species. Dutch elm disease is still taking its toll and now the Emerald ash borer has invaded Minneapolis. Invasive plant species are displacing desirable... read more →
Click here to see the most current ideas gathered from the Neighborhood Wishlist Survey. Its not too late to take the survey! Just click on the link to the left under "Quick Links".
Southwest High School is pursuing the addition of permanent lights and other possible upgrades to the Southwest Stadium. School and project representatives will be attending the FNA meeting on March 13 for an informal question and answer session. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at Pershing Park. Click here for... read more →