A group of residents from neighborhoods affected by proposed flight path changes at MSP Airports has formed and is called MSP FairSkies Coalition. Fulton neighborhood has two representatives on the coaltion. This group will help keep neighborhoods engaged and informed on airport related issues. They will also be considering how... read more →
Reminder: FNA will consider a motion to use approximately $6,000 of Neighborhood Priority Program funds to support the Fulton Farmers Market. This represents about 40 percent of NPP funds available to Fulton. A community vote will be taken. If you have comments or are unable to attend the meeting, please... read more →
FNA will consider a motion to use approximately $6,000 of Neighborhood Priority Program funds to support the Fulton Farmers Market. This represents about 40 percent of NPP funds available to Fulton. A community vote will be taken. If you have comments or are unable to attend the meeting, please feel... read more →
Sat., Jan. 12,10 a.m. - 1 p.m.Lyndale Farmstead Park Recreation CenterHennepin County is now holding Fix-It Clinics throughout the community. At these events, residents bring in small household appliances, clothing, electronics, mobile devices and more. With free guided assistance from a volunteer with repair skills, you can disassemble, troubleshoot and... read more →
The Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board is sponsoring a food drive benefiting Groveland Food Shelf. You may drop off non-perishable food items at Pershing or Linden Hills Recreation Centers through Jan. 21, 2013. You may also bring handmade knitted items for the Love Light Project supporting local teenage victims of... read more →
Discover unique gifts at theLynnhurst Holiday Boutique & SaleFeaturing handmade wares created by artists from Lynnhurst, Kenny, Fulton, Linden Hills, Tangletown, East Harriet, Kingfield and more! December 8, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.Lynnhurst Community Center1345 W Minnehaha PkwyMinneapolis, MN 55419A community building event supporting local SW Minneapolis artistis and neighborhoods.Sponsored... read more →
Public Hearing for The Red Cow Liquor License Variance ApplicationTuesday, November 27 6 p.m. Pershing Recreation Center 3523 W 48th St Minneapolis, MN 55410The Red Cow, planning to operate at 3624 W 50th St (old Blockbuster location), has applied for a beer and wine license. A public hearing will be... read more →
Neighbors- I commend the many residents of the 13th Ward who worked hard to have their voices heard. Your overwhelming response to this issue was heard and had an impact! At their meeting this afternoon, the Metropolitan Airports Commission voted to delay implementation of Performance-Based Navigation Procedures/Area Navigation (RNAV) to... read more →
Neighbors- Thank you to all of you who have called, emailed and signed the online petitions about the proposed changes to the airport flight patterns. I would also like to thank Council Member John Quincy and the Fulton and Kenny residents who spoke on behalf of the City at the... read more →
An online petition has been started to oppose the proposed flight path changes at the airport. Please visit http://www.stopmspflightpath.com/ to see more information, links and to sign the petition. Council Member Betsy Hodges has advised us that contacting the commissioners of the Metropolitan Airports Commission will be the best way... read more →