Lake Harriet United Methodist Church would like to invite you to help the residents of Tubman Domestic Abuse Shelter experience a special holiday season this year. LHUMC is the collection site for gifts for children, adolescents & mothers who find themselves displaced due to domestic violence. Please bring new toys,... read more →
Join the Friends of Linden Hills Library as they celebrate our neighborhood gem and launch their new group with an afternoon of free activities for the entire family. Listen to live Swedish folk music by the Tjärnbloms Trio Enjoy free refreshments Put on your thinking caps for the library trivia treasure... read more →
Fulton homeowners can still take advantage of Fulton’s low interest energy efficiency loans. Community Energy Services, a one-stop residential energy program, is helping homes start saving before these upcoming Winter months. Fulton homeowners are invited to attend a FREE educational workshop: Thursday, October 7th, 6:30 p.m. Windom Open School (5821 Wentworth... read more →
Many thanks to all who attended this year's fantastic Fulton Fall Festival on September 11. With your help, we were able to give 1,029 pounds of food to a very grateful Joyce Uptown Food Shelf plus $218 in cash donations. We also raised over $1,250, which will help fund the... read more →
Fall Programs Space is still available in some fall programs. Check online for program availability at or call Pershing Park at 612-370-4928. SWAC Winter Sports (Hockey, Wrestling and Basketball) Registration Winter Sports registration begins the week of October 18 through the "mail-in" system or online at "Mail-in" registration... read more →
KIAA is sponsoring a School Board Candidates Forum, featuring the four At-Large Candidates seeking the two available At-Large-citywide-elected Director positions on the Minneapolis Board of Education. This is an opportunity to hear directly from the four people who "made it" through the August Primary Election, and whose names will appear... read more →
Plan to attend the annual Family Halloween Party on Thurs., Oct. 29 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at Southwest High School. The party is co-sponsored by Southwest Community School, Pershing Park, Linden Hills Park, Lake Harriet Community School, and Linden Hills and Washburn Branch Libraries. The party is open to all interested... read more →
Come enjoy fun kids' activities including trick-or-treating, balloon artists, horse trolley rides, and pin-the-face-on-the-pumpkin. The Edina High School Mascot, the Hornet, will be here from 11 a.m. to noon. Join our costume parade and contest at 12:30 p.m. by the fountain on W. 50th Street and have a chance to... read more →
Join SW Community Education on one of their 2010-2011 Southwest recreation trips. These trips are popular, so we encourage you to plan ahead. Mail your registration form (available online in the Fall 2010 brochure on the Community Education website) and check to: Southwest Community Ed. 3414 W. 47th St. Minneapolis,... read more →
Donate a bag of food and register to win a $100 gift certificate to the Fulton business of your choice. We're hoping to get most of the food donated before the Festival. Drop your donation at Pershing Park from Sept. 1 through the day of the Festival, Sept. 11. (Fill... read more →