Help make it a bigger success! We're thrilled to announce Fulton will be getting a Farmers Market in 2011. A group of Fulton volunteers is partnering with the Kingfield Farmers Market, which already has a very successful Sunday market in that neighborhood. We're planning a Saturday market beginning in the... read more →
Do you know someone who contributes to the Fulton community in a unique and meaningful way - as a volunteer, business person or good neighbor? Nominate him or her to be recognized as a "Friend of Fulton." Look for the nomination form in the July FNN, or send an e-mail... read more →
Plan ahead for the Fulton Festival - Saturday, September 11, 2010 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Without your help, there could be no Festival. Blood Drive - Sign Up Now. We'd like to include a blood drive as part of the Festival this year as a way to give back to... read more →
The total sales for the 2010 Fulton Plant Sale came to $4,002, topping the 2009 all-time record high by $634. The Fulton Environment Committee wishes to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to all those involved in making it so successful. These funds could not have been raised without all the... read more →
Call your friends and join us for the 7th Ladies Night Out Event on Thursday, July 29 from 4-9 p.m. Your experience begins by picking up your exclusive ladies night out signature pink bag, at the outdoor water fountain on 50th Street or in front of Arthur Murray Dance Studio... read more →
The 2010 B.L.E.N.D. Award is proudly sponsored by the following neighborhoods: Armatage, East Harriet Farmstead, Fulton, Kingfield, Linden Hills, Lynnhurst, Tangletown, and Windom. The participating neighborhood associations and councils are issuing a call for submissions for the 2010 B.L.E.N.D. Award, which recognizes builders, architects, designers and property owners whose projects... read more →
The Board of Education for Minneapolis Public Schools is elected by the community to bring their voice to the table around educational policy. Nine candidates are seeking two at-large seats. The primary on August 19th will narrow the field to four. Plan to attend the pre-primary at-large candidate forum to... read more →
Children's Program Highlights - Friday Field Trips. Space is still available in some of the July and August programs. Visit for specifics or pick up a summer program at Pershing. Summer Guides - Available at Pershing Park or at The guide contains an overview of: facilities, a park... read more →
OverExposure is proud to present 40 x 5 a photography exhibition of 40 Twin Cities neighborhoods created during 2009/2010 for the final phase of its three-year documentary project, "What's New?" The exhibition includes images from Fulton neighborhood. EXHIBITION DATES: June 30, 2010 - July 28, 2010 WHERE: Intermedia... read more →
Every ten years the City of Minneapolis redraws its voting lines to reflect population shifts within the city. The last round of redistricting in 2001 left many voters feeling disenfranchised because the process was used by political parties to draw the districts to their political advantage, without respecting community lines. ... read more →