Fulton neighbors are busy preparing for the fifth annual Fabulous Fulton Plant Sale to raise funds to plant boulevard trees in our neighborhood. The sale will be held the weekend of the Edina Art Fair, June 4-6 and will be located at 5141 Ewing Ave. S. Hours are Friday and... read more →
The B.L.E.N.D. Award Committee is issuing a call for submissions for the fourth annual B.L.E.N.D. Award, which recognizes builders, architects, designers, and property owners whose projects respect existing neighborhood design aesthetics. The B.L.E.N.D. Award is proudly sponsored by Fulton Neighborhood Association, Armatage Neighborhood Association, East Harriet Farmstead Neighborhood Association, Kenny... read more →
Over the past ten years, the Fulton Environment Committee has help fund rainwater management projects for residents. Money was allocated to pay for professional consultations and implementation costs for rain barrels, gutter redirection, rain gardens, French drains and dry creek beds. This year the committee is reaching out to businesses... read more →
Rain or shine Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd on 48th and France is throwing a party and you are invited. All funds received will go to support Haitian children and parents from the church in Port-au-Prince where a Midwest seminarian was working when he was killed in the earthquake.... read more →
2009 MEDIAN SALES PRICE: $344,600 SCHOOLS: Top props in the city DESTINATION SHOP: Gallery 360 Just south of trendy (and more expensive) Linden Hills is Fulton, a community with its own special charms. Bordered by Minnehaha Creek, 47th Street, and France and Penn Avenue, and snuggled up to Lake Harriet's... read more →
Pitch in to keep Fulton Green and our watershed clean! Bring the whole family and join the Fulton Environment Committee on Earth Day to clean up the neighborhood. Stop by Pershing Park at 9:30 a.m. for a cup of coffee and to pick up bags and gloves. Someone will... read more →
The Fulton Arts Committee invites Fulton artists to submit project ideas for consideration for funding. Grant amounts are not yet set, but funding will be determined based on the project proposals presented. Project possibilities range from music, dance, film, art performance and workshops to temporary or permanent art installations in... read more →