We are pleased to announce that our Silent Auction has just gone live! Bidding is open and will remain open until 3 p.m. on October 14. We are calling this a “reverse” silent auction as all donations were purchased or given by neighbors or the neighborhood association in an effort... read more →
Another casualty of the COVID-19 pandemic is our in-person annual meeting. We’re planning a virtual meeting on Wed., Oct. 14 at 7 p.m. on Zoom. Run for the FNA Board! Six seats are open this year (two-year terms). Individuals who reside or own property in the Fulton neighborhood, or who... read more →
On Sat., Sept. 12, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. (the day that WOULD have been the Fulton Fall Festival), we will be on hand and partnering with the Fulton Farmers Market to hand out some freebies (one item per household, some items limited quantities) to any Fulton residents attending the market. For... read more →
May 29, 2020 Dear Neighbor, Like you the actions by the four officers that led to the murder of George Floyd leaves me disgusted and furious. I simply cannot fathom how someone who has sworn to protect the residents of this city, could act without humanity or empathy towards another... read more →
Check out this neighborhood activity for “kids” ages 1 to 101!bShow us what Fulton neighborhood looks like to YOU! Decorate this map of the neighborhood any way you like — add your house, family, pets, neighbors, school, park, stores, etc. Send it to us at FNA/3523 W. 48th St./Minneapolis, 55410; ... read more →
The May FNA Board meeting will take place on Zoom. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. on Wed., May 13. If you would like to attend, please e-mail us at info@fultonneighborhood.org and we will send you the link.
Running a small business is difficult in the best of times, and these are not the best of times. Most local small businesses have faced severe restrictions on their operations and many have had to close entirely. Most of the business owners are suffering significant financial losses and many have... read more →
The City of Minneapolis has proposed drastic cuts to neighborhood funding. Fulton Neighborhood Association (FNA) will lose half of its funding by 2023. We use those funds for a variety of programming, events, communications and a part-time staff person (10 hrs./week) to pull it all together. We recognize that other... read more →
In this uncertain time, we have gathered a lot of resource information and consolidated them into categories (below). Please check back as we will update these listings as new information becomes available. Public Health Health Questions Hotline: 651-201-3920 or 1-800-657-3903 This hotline is staffed by the MN Department of Health... read more →
Looking for something to do while we are all socially distancing and staying at home? The 2020 Census has begun and your participation is crucial. Go online to https://my2020census.gov/ and get started! Taking part in the census is your civic duty— it’s a way to participate in our democracy and... read more →