Saturday, Sept. 10, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lake Harriet United Methodist Church Parking Lot (49th & Beard) HamDog will open at 9 a.m. and Alison Scott takes the stage at 11 a.m. There's something for everyone: Live music all morning, bike parade (decorate at 10:30, parade with SW High... read more →
Jay Jensen of The Waters Senior Living attended the July Zoning Committee meeting to provide information about a proposed senior assisted-living development to be located at 50th and Chowen. It is a 4-story, 90-unit building. The Waters is seeking a conditional-use permit and TIF and affordable-housing funding to complete the... read more →
Submission deadline is July 29, 2011. The 2011 B.L.E.N.D. Award is now accepting entries from new buildings, renovation or additions to existing buildings, and landscape projects that have been completed since July 1, 2006; projects must be located within the boundaries of the City of Minneapolis. The 2011 B.L.E.N.D. JURORS... read more →
Whether you're planning a new landscaping project or just a pot of color for the front steps, we have the plants for you. Please visit our new location at the corner of 51st & Ewing and make your selections. Your support will help reforest Fulton neighborhood. The Fulton Plant Sale,... read more →
Art Fair hours: Friday, June 3 and Saturday, June 4 10 a.m.-7 p.m. & Sunday, June 5 10 a.m.-5 p.m. The official first art fair of the year and the second largest in the State, the Edina Art Fair will be held Friday, June 3 through Sunday, June 5, 2011.... read more →
Summer Program Registration Registration is now open. Programs can be viewed online at On the webpage, select "Active Net Program Registration" under "Quick Links." Register online, in person or over the phone. Please call 612-370-4928 if you have any questions. Special Olympics Bocce Ball - Wednesdays, June 22-Aug. 17,... read more →
As property owners make plans for their gardens and landscaping this spring, the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) is kicking off a program that offers grants for projects that protect water resources by stabilizing shorelines and streambanks or utilizing stormwater best management practices (BMPs). The MCWD's Cost Share programs help... read more →
Use your skills and talents to guide the future of the co-op Did you know that the Linden Hills Co-op is governed by 6,500 of your neighbors? The co-op is governed by nine Board Directors elected by the active membership, with each director serving a three-year term. This fall, there... read more →
Corn Gluten Meal is an organic by-product of the corn milling process. It interferes with the seed germination process. It does not kill living plants and adds Nitrogen to your lawn. Apply corn gluten meal at 20 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft., then water. Apply twice a year for 3-4... read more →
Congratulations to Steve Young, FNA President, who was honored on April 20 as a Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Volunteer of the Year for 2010. Steve and nine other recipients were recognized at an awards ceremony on... read more →