The past few months have been a busy time for neighbors challenging plans for increased airplane noise throughout our neighborhoods. The prospect of the implementation of RNAV (Area Navigation) technology at MSP sometime in 2014 made this a hot topic in the November elections. All of our city council members... read more →
13th Annual KiteFestival Saturday, Jan. 18 Noon - 4 p.m. The event takes place on Lake Harriet between the Pavilion and the Lake This free event is family friendly and includes kid's ice fishing, horse and wagon rides, snowshoeing, marshmallow roasting and, of course, kite flying. You can bring... read more →
Please click here to view notes from the recent discussion about the Critical Area Parking 24 around Red Cow restaurant.
FNA will host a discussion about the ongoing parking issues in the neighborhood and around the new Critical Parking Area 24 at is regular meeting on Jan. 8. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at Pershing Park. Council Member Linea Palmisano will be joining us with a Ward 13 Update... read more →
Ward 13 City Councilmember-Elect Linnea Palmisano is reaching out to anyone that might be interested in serving our communities at City Hall. Applications are due by November 29. Click here for a job description and application information for the Ward 13 Policy Aide position. Click here for a job description... read more →
December 7, 2013 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lynnhurst Community Center 1345 W Minnehaha Pkwy Lynnhurst Neighborhood Association will be hosting a Holiday Boutique on Sat., Dec. 7. This event supports local artists and offers them a no-cost opportunity to show and sell their unique goods. It also offers... read more →
Many of us have a perfectly good dresser, chair, or bookcase sitting in the garage. We would take it to Goodwill or ARC - if only we could borrow a truck. Or we'd leave it out on the curb for City collection, but hate to think that it would be... read more →
Are you interested in serving as an election judge, or do you know someone who is? Election judges are essential to a successful Election Day. They are the officials that staff local polling places, administer election procedures, and ensure that the rights of voters are protected on Election Day. Serving... read more →
Sat., Oct. 19 9 a.m. Meet at 54th St. & Zenith Ave S (rain date: Sun., Oct. 20 at 1 p.m.) Armatage, Fulton and Lynnhurst Neighborhood Associations have spent the summer and early fall asking “What Would You Do” along Minnehaha Creek from Zenith Ave east to Lynnhurst Recreation Center. ... read more →
Minneapolis City Council Ward 13 Candidate Forum Neighborhoods: livability, vitality and future investments Tues., Oct. 22 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Burroughs Community School 1601 W. 50th St. If you have specific questions for the candidates, please contact Beth Forsythe at Sponsored by: Armatage Neighborhood Association... read more →