This fall, Fulton Neighborhood Association (FNA) is launching a community grant program. Organizations and individuals operating or based in Fulton neighborhood are eligible to receive a $500-$2,000 grant to support projects and programs that either focus on youth education or enhanced community engagement. Please click on the following links to... read more →
The wait is almost over...the annual Fulton Fall Festival will be here on Sat., Sept. 13! Join us down at Pershing Park from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for lots of family friendly activities, good food, great music, the Silent Auction, the Marketplace and lots of other fun things to... read more →
Tues., Sept. 91:30 p.m. or shortly thereafterRoom 317 City Hall (350 S. 5th St., Minneapolis) The Community Development & Regulatory Services Committee will consider amending Chapters 360, 362, and 363 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances. If approved, food to alcohol sales ratios will be eliminated for restaurants that sell... read more →
The deadline to register to host a sale in the Fulton/Lynnhurst Neighborhood Garage Sales is Sept. 10. A $5 registration fee will include a group ad in the Star Tribune and your listing on sale maps. If you would like to host a sale, mail registration and money (checks made... read more →
It takes many volunteers to make an event like the Fulton Fall Festival happen. Please consider helping out in your neighborhood and volunteer for a two hour. Shifts available at the ticket table, inflatables, food service, etc. Each volunteer will receive four free tickets ($4) to use anywhere at the... read more →
The city has received interest in Accessory Dwelling Units (granny flats) from many stakeholders and is considering allowing them in Minneapolis. We invite you to attend an open house to share your thoughts about this potential policy change. Staff will provide research from other Minnesota communities and other US cities... read more →
The Fulton Fall Festival is coming on Sept. 13 and we could use your help! It takes a lot of volunteer effort to pull off a large event like our Fall Festival and we hope that you will consider volunteering for a shift selling tickets, watching the inflatables area, working... read more →
Come explore City Hall and celebrate the 20th birthday of Thom, the Lake Harriet Elf! Elf Invitation On Friday, August 15th Minneapolis will be honoring “Mr. Little Guy” for 20 years of spreading creativity and community to our children. *Attend the Lake Harriet Elf Day Proclamation at 9:15AM in City... read more →
Precincts in Ward 13 are in need of 42 additional election judges for the General Election on Nov. 4. If you are interesting in serving your community in this important way, please visit to learn more about how to become an election judge. Not sure which precinct you are... read more →
Ward 13 Council Member Linea Palmisano, in conjunction with the City's Department of Community Planning & Economic Development (CPED), is pleased to announce the release of "The Toolkit for Neighbors of New Construction." This document is designed to equip neighbors with the information needed to prepare for and handle any... read more →